Volume -8, Issue -1 Aug 2021

In molecular vibrational infrared spectroscopy, absorption spectra arise from molecular vibration and correspond to transitions between the vibrational energy levels associated with a given electronic state of the molecule. The vibrational transitions, which fall in the near infrared region, are induced through the interaction of the molecular electric dipole with the electric vector of...
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The exhaust gas spouting from the exhaust manifold into the radial inflow turbine coupled to an exhaust pipe of a 2.5L petrol engine has been computationally simulated in order to ascertain the extent of exhaust energy recoverability for driving the vehicle auxiliaries, using Autodesk CFD. In order to determine the amount of power available at the turbine shaft at varying engine speeds,...
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To improve the mechanical and durability properties of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) mortar and paste, the incorporation of multi walled Carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and their dispersion procedures, functionalization, and ultra sonication have been intensively implemented. Most of the studies showed significant enhancements in the mechanical properties of OPC mortar or paste; however, others showed...
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The primary goal of the paper is to deliver a simple proof of equivalence between Brouwer’s fixed point theorem and the existence of equilibrium in a simple exchange model with monotonic consumers. To achieve this end, we discuss some equivalent formulations of Brouwer’s theorem and prove additional ones, that are ’approximating’ in character or seem to be better suited for economic...
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In this paper, we introduce an approach to increase density of field-effect transistors framework current mode instrumentation amplifier flipped voltage follower mirrors. The approach we consider for manufacturing of the inverter in heterostructure with specific configuration. Several required areas of the heterostructure should be doped by diffusion or ion implantation. After that dopant and...
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: Cotton leaves have been used to extract natural dye for dyeing of Egyptian cotton variety Giza 86 fabric and its blend with polyester 50:50, using different mordants such as iron (II) sulfate, copper (II) sulfate, and alum. The exhaust dyeing method was utilized using the pre-mordant technique. It is observed that both fabric samples can be dyed in different colors and depth of shades with...
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In this paper we talk about the part of schools and their duty to go about as fast as could be expected to plan a game plan that will set up the future residents to manage this new reality. This study requires arranging of activity in various ways and on various planes, like labs, instructors, also, educational plans. 3D printing requires more significant levels of reasoning, advancement and...
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The aim of this paper is to introduce the notation of pre-local function A p ∗ (I, τ) by using preopen sets in an ideal topological space (X, τ, I). Some properties and characterizations of a pre-local function are explored Pre-compatible spaces are also defined and investigated. Moreover, by using A p ∗ (I, τ) we introduce an operator ψ: P(X)→τ satisfying ψ(A) = X−(X −...
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The efficiency of physical and chemical properties on Extra-long stable Egyptian cotton fiber Giza 96 at different treatment processes with two concentrations of morpholine comparing with conventional treatment with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) was investigated. The sample was pretreated with ferrous sulfate before dyeing with direct dye or natural dye. Physical properties as tensile strength...
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Poly (N-vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP), Polyvinylchloride (PVC) blend membrane doped with different molar weight percentage of NH4Br has been prepared by solution casting technique using dimethyleformamide (DMF) as solvent and characterized for electrical properties. The prepared polymer electrolyte has been studied by XRD, FT-IR, Dielectric and Capacitance measurements. The XRD results show that the...
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Nanotechnology is the investigation of tiny designs, having size of 0.1 to 100 nm. Nano medication is a generally new field of science and innovation. Brief clarification of different sorts of drug nano frameworks is given. Nanotechnology is serving to significantly improve, even alter, numerous innovation and industry areas: data innovation, energy, natural science, medication, country security,...
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Annona muricata is one of the important herbal plant that are widely used to treat antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, insecticidal, antimalarial, anticancer, antibacterial and antioxidant activities. In the present study, extraction procedure was carried out in few step processes method. The extract contains high percentage of steroid, alkaloid, flavonoid, phenolic and saponin. The extract was used...
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