Volume -1, Issue -4 May 2015

β,ε-carotene-3,3’-diol (Lutein) extracted from the leaves of Murraya Koeniggi was subjected to acetone, ethanol and methanol and the effect of solvents on the efficiency of Natural Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (NDSSC) were discussed using UV-VIS, FTIR, and FESEM techniques. DSSC fabrication procedure has been employed using these natural dyes as natural sensitizer of TiO2 films. DFT and TD-DFT...
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Ebola virus is a single-stranded, negative-sense RNA virus that causes severe hemorrhagic fever. The outbreak of Ebola infections in West Africa during 2014 has expanded exponentially with a doubling period of 34.8 days, resulting 83% mortality rate as it exhibited resistance to large number of anti-viral drugs. As there are no valid drugs to treat Ebola virus infections that cause severe...
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The properties of cotton fabrics after plasma sputtering treatment were investigated. Argon, nitrogen and oxygen were used as the working gases in the system, and the results were compared. The direct dye was used for the dyeing. Chemical composition of the treated cotton surface specimens was evaluated with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The results of wettability tests revealed...
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This study investigated the Opuntia ficus indica enermis cladodes water vapor sorption and drying process at different temperatures (60, 70 and 80 °C). The sorption isotherm followed a type II (sigmoidal: S shape) shape and thermal hysteresis effect with no intersection in curves for all three temperatures. The Guggenheim–Andersen–de Boer (GAB) model was found adequate to describe the...
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Physicochemical and functional properties of Opuntia cladodes were investigated to evaluate the effect of drying temperatures and the possibility for its application in formulation of rolled cake of cladode flour. The three powders obtained by three drying temperatures showed a significant difference on the physiochemical and functional properties studied exception for reducing sugars and...
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The spectra of 1-bromo-4-methylnaphthalene have been analyzed in the region 4000–400 and 4000–100 cm−1for FTIR and FT-Raman respectively. The optimized geometry, fundamental vibrational frequency and intensity of the vibrational bands of title compound were evaluated using ab initio HF and density functional theory (DFT) levels of theory 6-311G basis set. The Calculated harmonic vibrational...
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Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) by banana leaf extracts was achieved. Plant extracts are not expensive and ecofriendly and thus can be an economic and efficient alternative for the large-scale synthesis of nanoparticles. The AgNPs formed by reaction of banana leaf extracts with aqueous solutions of silver nitrate (AgNO3). The synthesized nano-particles were confirmed by using...
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In the image retrieval, user must search a database of many thousands, or millions, of images. User goals vary to find a particular image. The optimal interface would provide a very flexible query mechanism, perhaps through a natural language interface. In fact, many “search engines” currently provide such an interface to their collections. Advertisers and publishers present a description of...
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In the past, there has been no simple technical solution for recycling non woven process waste, which consists of side trim and reject rolls. They have been sent to landfill or in the best case incinerated for energy recovery. The objective of this review is to recycle non woven fabric waste from different sources such as medical gown, napkins, tissue paper, diapers, sanitary wipes and other...
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