Volume -5, Issue -1 Aug 2018

Pistons are considered as one of the most complex components of automotive engines. They are largely produced from aluminum reinforced with expensive particles such as graphite, TiC, B4C and SiC. To reduce the cost of reinforcement and minimize waste disposal challenges, it is sine-qua-non to consider production of piston materials from local sources. In this paper, we report development of...
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The solid phase FT-IR and FT-Raman spectra of Ebilfumin have been recorded in the regions 4000–400 cm−1 and 3500-50 cm−1 respectively. To interpret the experimental data, ab initio computations of the vibrational frequencies were carried out using the Gaussian 03 program followed by the full optimizations done using Density Functional Theory (DFT) at B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) level. The combined use...
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Piston is the major part of an automotive engine. It is commonly produced from aluminum reinforced with expensive particles like graphite, B4C, TiC and SiC. In most developing nations, used pistons are indiscriminately discarded thereby constituting environmental hazard. To reduce cost of reinforcement and minimize waste disposal challenges, piston materials can be developed from local sources....
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The era of humanoid personal robots is started, and numerous humanoid robots are used in applications developed to assist humans and animals. There exists numerous challenges to humans in competing with the robots and humans are trying hard to match the robots in speed, perfection and durability. As far as in such performances the robots seem to be smarter than humans and having more score in...
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The present energy consumption situation initiates top priority for energy management and effective utilization of generated electrical power. It is studied that more than 40% of the total electrical power generated is wasted due to improper consumption or monitoring. As observed in most of the offices most of the electrical appliances like fan, lights will be left ON from day break to evening...
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Keratinase are proteolytic enzymes that have gained much attention to convert keratinous wastes that cause huge environmental pollution issues. A new proteolytic Bacillus sp. was isolated from tannery effluent waste soil sample. The bacterium produces extracellular keratinase using horn meal as a sole carbon and nitrogen source. The effect of pH, temperature, and substrate concentration on...
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In this paper, the concepts of fuzzy supra β-nowhere dense set, fuzzy supra β-first category set and fuzzy supra β-second category set in fuzzy supra topological spaces are introduced and studied. By means of fuzzy supra β-nowhere dense sets, the concept of fuzzy supra β-Baire space is defined and several characterizations of fuzzy supra β-Baire spaces are...
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Due to human activities the environment gets polluted and hazardous to the human health. Pesticides are the biological agent mainly used in the agriculturural field to control pests, weeds, insects for better yield production. Organophosphrous is one of the important insecticide which is used all over the world which is very harmful to all the organisms present in the ecosystem. Phytodegradation...
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In this paper the concepts of fuzzy supra α-Baire spaces are introduced and characterizations of fuzzy supra α- Baire spaces are studied. Several examples are given to illustrate the concepts introduced in this...
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One of the serious problems the current generation children and adolescents are facing is the problem with the bad back posture. During their early schooling period, the body growth is relatively stable and the balanced body posture during the period of seven to eight years of age is dominant. However, when the child begins its schooling, the time spent in sitting position is extended than before...
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Distribution transformers are one of the most important equipment in power system network. Because of the large numbers of transformers are widely used in the power system, Therefore the data acquisition and monitoring is important issue in the large distribution network. The main objective of this proposed work is that distribution transformer monitoring and controlling through IoT technology....
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The geopolymer concrete has stepped in the construction industry as an alternate to the cement based concrete. Many of the research about geopolymer concrete states that it has potential to replace the cement based concrete in many countries depending on the locally available resources. The present review deals with the study of constituents of geopolymer concrete. Attempt has been made to...
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