Volume -9, Issue -1 Aug 2022

In this article, the effects of chemical treatment (sodium dodecyl sulfate, SDS, and SDS pretreated benzoyl chloride) on the physicomechanical, morphological, and weather tests of calotropis gigantea fiber (CGF) reinforced polypropylene (PP) composites were investigated. The outcomes show that CGFs act as reinforcing fillers enhancing the physicomechanical properties (e.g. tensile strength,...
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The study of the thin-layer drying behavior of cow bone was carried out in a laboratory scale oven. The study considered the impact of the drying time, sample thickness, drying temperature, and interaction between time and temperature on the moisture ratio of the cow bone samples. Ten thin-layer drying models used in the study were fitted to the moisture ratio data. Among the drying models...
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For the complete replacement of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), the new technology of Geo-Polymer concrete (GPC) is a promising technique. An attempt is been made to study the optimum usage of Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) in concrete.An experimental study was conducted to obtain maximum strength by increasing the content of GGBS in concrete. GGBS based geo polymer concrete develops...
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In the framework of the nonlinear waveguide, we investigate propagation of solitons with in optical ring resonators. We show how the complicated nonlinear interplay slow light solitons in the MRRs to the possibility to create optical buffer. Dynamical control over slow-light solitons is realized via a controlling field generated by bright soliton. We provide an analytical description for the...
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A number of applications emerging related to image to text conversion or image to speech conversion which helps us in various ways. This paper focussed on the conversion of Image-to-Speech in two different phases. The supporting tools used to implement this work are tesseract-OCR, machine learning based libraries, and speech recognizer using Python. For a given image the texted regions are...
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In this paper we introduced an approach to increase integration rate of element of a conventional energy efficient double tail dynamic comparator. We formulate recommendations for optimization of annealing to decrease dimensions of field-effect heterotransistors and to increase their density. At the same time one can decrease transition area between doped and undoped areas of elements of the...
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Corn cob is one of the common renewable, cheap and abundant lignocellulosic materials. As a potential source of fermentable sugars, corn cob can be used as a substrate for value added products such as xylitol. This research paper studied the production of xylose from corn cob using phosphoric and nitric acids at 1300C, and acid concentrations of 1wt%, 2wt%, 3wt%, 4wt% and 5wt% respectively, and...
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Queue is an important data structure that has wide ranging applications. In this paper, we examine various operations of queues where we focus on numerous approaches to enter as well as delete elements and also display the contents of a queue. There are two major methods to implement queues, using arrays or linked lists. The benefits of these techniques are discussed along with their algorithms...
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Cobalt ferrite has attracted much attention owing to its excellent properties and huge technological applications. The novel synthesis methods such as co-precipitation method, solid state method, sol-gel method, auto combustion method, precursor technique, hydrothermal technique, spray pyrolysis technique etc. have been used for its preparation. Along with numerous outstanding properties of...
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Plantain being a perishable fruit, there may be want for it to be processed into flour and different product sorts to increase its shelf life. Hence, this research work presents the design of a process machine for plantain flour production from unripe plantain. An integrated plantain flour processing machine was designed and developed in this study. The average performance indices of the...
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Solar power forecasting is crucial for the purpose of ensuring grid stability and proper grid management. Recent advancements with inside the discipline of solar power forecasting are presented, and the main focus is on the different types of Machine Learning (ML) Techniques used. These ML techniques can solve both the complex and nonlinear data structures. The two types of solar power...
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Obesity is a multifactorial disorder induced by a combination of genetic and environmental factors, characterized by chronic accumulation of adipose tissue. Dietary lipids significantly contribute to obesity but regulation of energy homeostasis may be altered by resident gut microbiome. Altering or transplanting gut microbiome may lead to harmful or beneficial effects in humans. Zebrafish has...
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Focusing properties of spirally polarized annular multi Gaussian beam by High NA Lens are investigated theoretically by vector diffraction theory. Results show that the optical intensity in focal region of spirally polarized annular multi Gaussian beam can be altered considerably by the beam order and spiral parameter. Spiral parameter can induce focal pattern change in axial direction...
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Upon critical analysis and exploratory research it is observed that there is a significant difference between the Absolute Grading system and the Relative Grading system being introduced recently in autonomous engineering institutions. It is found that Relative Grading implemented in its present form using some software has resulted in significant reduction in the GPA of students. The reduction...
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Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) was emerged in 2003, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) got reported in the year 2012. Following, SARS-CoV-2 was observed as pandemic around the globe in the end of 2019. COVID-19 has produced significant rate of morbidity and mortality rate causing severe loss of life. An immediate attention is required to find out...
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