Abstract :

Plant growth regulators are known to control plants physiological and biochemical processes. Physico, chemical and Nutrients analysis was recorded in all base nutrients and Soil. The Vermiwash was found to improve the trace element content of the soil. The biometric analysis on 20th, 30th, 40th day for Maize and Rye plant was carried out. Qualitative phytochemical analysis was performed for the fresh leaf extracts of Maize and Rye plant. The characterization of Rhizospheric bacteria for Plant Growth Promoting Traits (PGPT) was studied. These bacteria was assayed for IAA assay, the results showed that pink colour was observed in all the strains. It indicates that two gram negative and one gram positive strains had plant growth promoting hormone (IAA). The antioxidant activity of plant namely Maize and Rye which was grown under different concentration was also studied.