Special Issue

2nd International Students Conference on Innovations in Science and Technology

Thermo-Hydraulic Performance Analysis of CNT-H2O Nanofluid Flow in Turbulent region through Rectangular Plate Fin Heat Exchangers -A Numerical Study
Authors : Anirban Bose, Anupal Banerjee, Utpal Maji

The heat exchanger performance of a system can be enhancedemploying a combination of passive strategies, particularly nanofluids and varied structures of fins geometries. These methods can enhance the heat transfer coefficient and consequently reduce the weight of the system. In this paper, the effect of fin geometry and nanofluids in Plate Fin Heat Exchangers (PFHE) are studied by numerical... Read More

Solar Energy Driven High-Yield Low Cost Seawater Desalination for Drinking Water Production
Authors : Sayak Bhattacharjee, Rohan Pandit and Biswajit Saha

About four billion people face severe water scarcity every year around the globe. To provide remedy to this situation sea water desalination has proven to be one of the most effective ways. A number of proven technologies are already in existence. However, these methods take help of non-renewable energy sources and thus using up the non-renewable recourses. This article has a proposed methodology... Read More

Effect of Gravity Expressed as a Fluid Dynamic Phenomenon on Space Curve
Authors : Balaka Biswas, Sunny Kumar

The alteration of the curvature of space time has been determined by directly linking gravity significantly to the Einstein Field Equations, with respect to coordinates in space and frame of reference. A similarity between gravitational field and the flow of fluids has been determined, by equating the like terms of the Einstein Field Equation and the Bernoulli’s equation. Further... Read More

Performance Evaluation of Three Unsupervised Clustering Algorithms
Authors : Rajdeep Baruri, Anannya Ghosh

Clustering is a ubiquitous technique in machine learning. Clustering is useful when we do not have labeled data. In the present study, three of the most useful and easy to implement clustering algorithms, namely k-means method, greedy-k-means method, and in the last but not the least is improved-k-means method have been studied. A study on the behavior of k-means clustering technique is being... Read More

Computing the Geodesic Distance between Two Points in a Polyhedral Solid
Authors : Debarshi Sarkar, Krishanu Deyasi

This paper presents a method to compute the shortest (geodesic) distance between two given points in a polyhedral solid. The basic difference between the shortest and the geodesic shortest distance is that, in shortest distance between two points in a graph is the shortest path length connecting those two points while geodesic shortest distance between two points is the curvilinear distance... Read More

Thermo-Hydraulic Performance Analysis of Plain Rectangular Plate Fin Heat Exchangers in Laminar Region -A Numerical Study
Authors : Anirban Bose, Chandra Shekhar, Md Adnan

Recent advancement in the chemical process plants, power industries, cryogenic applications, aerospace applications and electronics technology requires efficient and economic design of compact heat exchangers.This is always a challenge to design a compact heat exchanger because of its complex structure.Plate Fin Heat Exchanger (PTFE) is very common compact heat exchanger used in industries.But... Read More

Resolving the Protein Folding Problem Using Clustering Partition and Random Walk Theory with Extended Applications in Alzheimers Research using Galton Watson Processes and Stochastic Theory
Authors : Dwaipayan Basu, Suvadip Sana

Exploring the nature of protein folding, the following work is an elucidation of a bio-mathematical explanation of the Levinthals paradox using Clustering Partition among different torsional states in conjunction with Random Walk Theory. The kinetics of protein folding mechanisms have been resolved by integrating Overlapping Clusters across different Hierarchical Levels of protein folding, from... Read More

Changing our Modern Society in Different Levels using Quantum Computing Device
Authors : Sanhita Koley, Aneesh Kar

Today classical computers stores information in bits, which take the discrete values 0 and 1. On the other hand information stored in Quantum computers are not up to two states buten code information as quantum bits, or qubits resulting in superposition and entanglement. The Qubits can be represented by atoms, ions, photons or electrons such that they are working together to act as a computer... Read More

A New Approach for Improving the Quality and Quantity Production of Embedded Type Fin Tubes in Cooling Tower Industries
Authors : Dipanjan Dey

: Finning machines that are widely being used in cooling tower industries for fin tube production have shown problems in the production process that has come up recently. These fin tubes are in turn, used in condensers and heat exchangers as a vital cooling unit in power plants. In a study in a cooling tower industry, major problems such as fin breakage and slip occurring between tube and drive... Read More

Experimental Prediction of Effect of Thickness of Active Layer of Photovoltaic Device on a series of Electrical Parameters using GPVDM Software
Authors : K. Chakraborty, S. Malakar, D. K. Mandal, R. Mondal, A. K. Maiti

Electrical simulation at different thickness of active layer of organic photovoltaic devices has been encountered by using GPVDM software. P3HT-PCBM composite material has been selected as active material whereas ITO, PEDOT:PSS and Al has been chosen as front and back electrodes respectively. A comparative study of different electrical parameters has been estimated at different layer thickness.... Read More

Implementation of Embedded Predictive Analysis System: Prevention of Bridge Wreckage
Authors : Sumalyo Datta, Sayanti Dutta, Nilanjana Bandyopadhyay, Susmita Basu, Sanhita Paul

In the modern era of twenty first century, bridge wreckage has become a burning issue thereby focussing the attention on vulnerability of countless human lives and structural damage in the states of human infrastructure. This paper aims to envisage the probability of bridge collapse using an AI neural network using photo-elastic stress measurement data as inputs from photo-elastic... Read More

Drone Embedded RFID and EPS Sensor based Military Survelliance
Authors : Anirban Dhar, Madhuti Saha, Soham Chaudhuri, Animesh Gupta

In the present era, military security has become a prime concern. The existing technologies available for military safety are no less prone to attacks by outsiders. So, in this paper we come up with such a system which incorporates the use of RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) and Bio-sensors. The RFID system comprises of 2 components namely RFID reader and RFID(Radio Frequency... Read More

A Study of Solar Energy and Ways to Improve its Economic Viability and New Business Scopes - Review
Authors : Prateek Majumder, Ruchira Mukherjee

Energy supplies from renewables such as from biofuels, solar heat, photovoltaics, wind, hydro, wave, tidal, geothermal, and ocean-thermal are essential components of every nations energy strategy, not only because of concerns for the local and global environment, but also for energy security and sustainability. Solar energy, amongst other renewable sources of energy, is both promising and freely... Read More

A Review on Human Action Recognition in Surveillance Videos
Authors : Hemangee De, Aanisha Bhattacharyya, Rachna Agarwal, Sudeshna Roy Chowdhury

Nowadays automated detection and recognition of human beings and their actions in surveillance videos is gaining importance. The paper presented is divided into different segments which include methods of extraction of images of different moving objects from surveillance videos, identification and face and action recognition. The smart surveillance system proposes information processing... Read More

Harvesting Energy from Thunderstorm - A New Source of Renewable Energy - Review
Authors : Sayantan Mukherjee, Sayonnil Bhowmick, Ruchira Mukherjee

Energy crisis is a major problem now-a-days. With the exponential growth of population and technology, the necessity of much more energy requirement becomes a serious issue. Therefore the need for alternative sources of energy comes to the field. Nature offers us a lot of alternatives and among them, one such feasible choice underused by mankind is the power of a thunderstorm. This... Read More

Wireless Power Transmission between Phones - Review
Authors : Prashant Harsh, Swarna Bhattacharya

In this era of Smartphones, when these have become the backbone of our life, charging them is one of the most essential tasks of our day to day life. For charging them, we are still dependent upon the conventional method of using wired charger. Sometimes we are in immense need of charging our phones but we don't have our charger or we don't find the power source. In that case, we use our... Read More

Graphene the Pillar of Valleytronics-Review
Authors : Devayan Bhattacharya, Ajay Tibrewal, Suvradip Ghosh

Graphene, which is an allotrope of carbon, has attracted the scientific community for its fundamental as well as its technological aspects. It has many promising applications which have revolutionized the semiconductor industry. It is the electronic charge which drives the semiconductor technology; however electrons have two additional degrees of freedom, spin and valley. Spin degrees of freedom... Read More