Abstract :

Today classical computers stores information in bits, which take the discrete values 0 and 1. On the other hand information stored in Quantum computers are not up to two states buten code information as quantum bits, or qubits resulting in superposition and entanglement. The Qubits can be represented by atoms, ions, photons or electrons such that they are working together to act as a computer memory/processor and has been found to contain multiple states simultaneously. This technology has often been compared to the efficiency of supercomputers and some Computing giants consider it to be powerful than todays most powerful supercomputers ever built. Its advances in machine learning, optimization and artificial intelligence could boost efficiency and accuracy of data dramatically. Therefore, Quantum computers will emerge as a superior computational device than compared to today’s modern computer. Easy access to the internet has already made a head start to learn modern technology. The main motive is to involve common people to learn such new technologies in order to embrace futuristic innovations.